Essential Guide to High-Volume Order-to-Cash Accounting Automation by Numeral


Dec 20, 2023 by Cal Zielinko

This guide provides definitions for key terms in the order-to-cash process for high-volume businesses.

Order-To-Cash Accounting Automation: The automation and reconciliation of every FRE that occurs between order placed to cash received in the bank. This includes:

  • Order-To-Cash Reconciliation: The reconciliation of the entire order-to-cash process, ensuring that every step from order placement to cash received in the bank is accurately recorded and accounted for. This includes cash reconciliation and bank reconciliation.
    • Cash Reconciliation: The process of reconciling transactions and ensuring they are correctly recorded in the company’s financial records. Usually done at the summary-level as opposed to the individual transaction level.
      • Transaction-Level Cash Reconciliation: A level above traditional cash reconciliation – the process of reconciling all cash-related transactions at the most granular level, as opposed to the summary level. It involves verifying each individual transaction from order-to-cash taking into account all possible variables (taxes, transaction fees, chargebacks, etc), ensuring complete accuracy in financial records.
    • Bank Reconciliation: The process of matching the balances in an entity’s accounting records for a cash account to the corresponding information on a bank statement. Usually done at the summary-level as opposed to the individual transaction level.
      • Transaction-Level Bank Reconciliation: A level above traditional bank reconciliation focused down to the individual transaction level instead of batch level (e.g. what are the 21,270 transactions that were part of this one batch deposit we received in our bank).

Revenue Reconciliation: The process of ensuring that revenue recorded in the financial statements matches the actual revenue transactions. It includes verifying each revenue-generating activity for accuracy.

Revenue Recognition: The accounting principle dictating the specific conditions under which revenue is recognized. In a digital business context, this often involves recognizing revenue at the point of delivering a service or product.

Payment Matching: The process of matching incoming payments to their corresponding invoices. In high-volume transactions, this often involves automated systems to handle the scale and complexity.

Data Reconciliation: The process of ensuring that data across different sources or systems is consistent and accurate.

Real-Time Financial Reporting: The practice of providing financial performance information as it happens, without delay, allowing for immediate analysis and decision-making. Often referred to as a continuous close. 

FRE (Financially Relevant Event): Any business activity that results in a debit or credit. This includes transactions like sales, purchases, refunds, and expenses.

Transaction Fees: Charges incurred for processing individual transactions, often associated with payment processing services.

Dispute: When a customer questions the validity of a transaction that was registered to the account. Is successful in repealing the charge, this results in a chargeback. 

Chargeback: The payment amount that is returned to a debit or credit card after a customer disputes the transaction.

Currency Conversion Rates: The rates at which one currency can be exchanged for another, essential in transactions involving different currencies.


ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning): Integrated management software that allows organizations to manage and automate many back office functions related to technology, services, financials and human resources, often centralizing data and processes.

General Ledger: The primary accounting record of a company. It contains all the financial transactions of the business. E.g. NetSuite.

Subledger: A detailed subset of accounts that contains transaction information, which is summarized and posted to the general ledger. E.g. Numeral. 

Payment Processor: A service or platform that handles transactions for digital businesses, facilitating the transfer of funds from customers to the business. Often referred to as a payment gateway. E.g. Stripe. 

Billing Platform: A solution that allows organizations to manage invoicing, payments, reconciliation, and other activities related to billing. E.g. Stripe.

Subscription Management System: A system that allows organizations to offer subscription models with dynamic pricing/purchasing and ownership options for customers. E.g. Recurly. 

Accounting Terms:

FASB (Financial Accounting Standards Board): An independent nonprofit organization responsible for establishing accounting and financial reporting standards for companies in the United States,

GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles): Standard accounting rules and procedures used in the U.S. to ensure consistency across financial statements, making it easier for investors to analyze and extract useful information.

Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) Compliance: Compliance with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, a U.S. law that sets enhanced standards for all U.S. public company boards, management, and public accounting firms, focusing on improving the accuracy of corporate disclosures.

ASC 606: The standard issued by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) regarding revenue recognition, outlining a single comprehensive model for businesses to use in accounting for revenue arising from contracts with customers.

Deferred Revenue: Income a company receives for goods or services to be delivered or performed in the future. It’s recorded as a liability on the balance sheet because it represents an obligation to deliver products or services.

Accrued Revenue: Income that a company has earned but for which it has not yet received payment. This type of revenue occurs when a company performs a service or delivers a product before it bills the customer.

Accrual Accounting: An accounting method where revenues and expenses are recorded when they are earned or incurred, not when cash changes hands. This method gives a more accurate financial picture of a company’s performance over time.

Cash Accounting: An accounting method where revenues and expenses are recorded when actually received or paid, and not when they were incurred. This method is more simple than accrual accounting. 

Audit Trail: A record that traces the financial data from the general ledger to the data source. This trail provides transparency and supports the integrity of the financial information for auditing.

The Agony of Cash Reconciliation: Unraveling the Pain Points


Dec 19, 2023 by Cal Zielinko

Introduction: The Challenges of Cash Reconciliation

Cash reconciliation is a vital yet often challenging task in financial management. It’s the process of ensuring a business’s financial records align with its bank statements. While crucial for accuracy, it’s a task that frequently leads to headaches among finance professionals. In this piece, we delve into the complexities and common issues that make cash reconciliation a daunting task.

Reconciliation might seem simple on the surface, but it involves navigating through a labyrinth of transactions and data. For businesses, especially those with high transaction volumes, it’s a critical process that demands meticulous attention to detail. The goal is to spot any discrepancies between the recorded transactions and the actual bank statements.

This article aims to unravel the pain points typically encountered in cash reconciliation. We’ll explore the hurdles of manual processes, the impact of high transaction volumes, the challenge of diverse payment methods, timing discrepancies, bank fees, and regulatory compliance. Understanding these challenges is the first step toward streamlining the process and alleviating the agony often associated with it.

The Burden of Manual Processes

A major source of the struggle in cash reconciliation comes from relying on manual methods. Traditional, manual reconciliation often involves spreadsheets and hand-entered data, creating ample room for human error.

Manual Entry: A Gateway to Errors

1. Error-Prone: Simple mistakes like a misplaced decimal point or transposed numbers can lead to significant discrepancies.
2. Time-Consuming Corrections: Identifying and correcting these errors is not just frustrating but also a drain on valuable time and resources.

Consequences of Inaccurate Data

Inaccurate data entry can have far-reaching implications:

It can distort the financial health of a business.
It may lead to incorrect financial decision-making.
It can also create issues during audits and with regulatory compliance.

Transitioning Away from Manual Processes

Modern finance demands speed and accuracy that manual processes can’t always provide. Shifting towards automated solutions can dramatically reduce the risk of errors and improve efficiency in cash reconciliation.

Navigating High Transaction Volumes

For businesses handling a large number of transactions, cash reconciliation becomes increasingly complex. The volume of data to be reconciled can be overwhelming, amplifying the chances of mistakes.

The Challenges of Volume

1. Tracking Numerous Transactions: Sorting through millions of transactions requires significant time and effort.
2. Increased Risk of Errors: With more data, the likelihood of missing or misrecording transactions rises.

Efficiency in High-Volume Environments

Efficient reconciliation in high-volume settings is key:

Organized tracking systems are essential to manage the sheer number of transactions.
Regular reconciliations help in identifying and addressing errors promptly.

Technology as a Solution

Advancements in financial software provide a lifeline:

Automated systems like Numeral can handle large volumes of transactions more effectively than manual processes.
These tools not only save time but also enhance accuracy in reconciliation.

In the upcoming section, we’ll explore the impact of diverse payment methods on the reconciliation process, another critical aspect for businesses in the digital age.

Diverse Payment Methods and Channels

The evolution of digital payments has introduced a new layer of complexity to cash reconciliation. Today, businesses deal with a myriad of payment methods, each requiring careful reconciliation.

The Complexity of Multiple Channels

1. Varied Payment Avenues: Reconciling transactions across different channels, like credit cards, bank transfers, and digital wallets, presents unique challenges.
2. Attention to Detail: Each payment method may have its processing times and fee structures, necessitating a detailed approach to reconciliation.

Maintaining a Clear Financial Picture

Ensuring accuracy across all these methods is crucial:

Discrepancies in any channel can distort the overall financial picture of the business.
Accurate reconciliation across diverse methods is key to reliable financial reporting.

Timing Differences: A Reconciliation Maze

Timing discrepancies often pose a significant challenge in cash reconciliation. The lag between when transactions occur and when they are recorded can lead to mismatches, complicating the reconciliation process.

Understanding Timing Discrepancies

1. Processing Delays: Differences in processing times for various transactions can result in entries not aligning with actual cash flows.
2. Navigating Date Variances: Transactions recorded on different dates in financial records and bank statements need careful alignment.

Impact of Timing on Reconciliation

These timing issues are more than mere annoyances:

They can lead to confusion and inaccuracies in financial reporting.
Resolving these discrepancies requires additional time and resources.

Strategies to Mitigate Timing Issues

Effective strategies are crucial to managing these timing differences:

Regular reconciliation helps identify and address timing discrepancies swiftly.
Advanced reconciliation tools can assist in aligning dates and processing times accurately.

Transaction Fees and Unidentified Charges in Reconciliation

Transaction fees and unidentified charges often add complexity to the cash reconciliation process. These unexpected or unclear expenses can create discrepancies that need careful examination.

Unraveling the Mystery of Fees and Charges

1. Identifying Unfamiliar Entries: Fees or charges not immediately recognizable require thorough investigation to ensure accuracy.
2. Matching Fees to Transactions: Aligning specific payment processing fees with corresponding transactions is a critical step in reconciliation.

The Impact on Financial Records

Unaccounted fees and charges can lead to inaccuracies:

Even small fees, if overlooked, can cumulatively impact financial reporting.
Accurate tracking of these charges is essential for a true representation of financial health.

Navigating through Fees and Charges

Understanding transaction fee structures by the payment processor and region and staying vigilant about entries are vital:

Regular reviews of payouts from processors and whether they line up with expected bank deposits can help catch discrepancies.
Clear communication with the payment processors and banks for clarification of unknown charges is often necessary.

Regulatory Compliance and Auditing in Cash Reconciliation

Cash reconciliation extends beyond day-to-day financial management; it plays a critical role in regulatory compliance and auditing. Ensuring accuracy in this process is fundamental for meeting legal and financial standards.

Compliance: More Than a Formality

1. Adhering to Standards: Accurate cash reconciliation is essential for complying with financial regulations.
2. Audit Readiness: Consistent reconciliation practices ensure preparedness for audits, reducing the risk of compliance issues.

The Role of Reconciliation in Compliance

Inaccuracies in reconciliation can lead to compliance violations.
Regular and accurate reconciliation helps maintain clean financial records, a necessity for regulatory scrutiny.

Facing Audits with Confidence

A well-maintained reconciliation process aids in smooth auditing, providing a clear trail of financial activities.
It demonstrates a commitment to financial integrity, crucial during external audits.

The process of cash reconciliation, therefore, is not just an internal financial exercise but a key component in upholding financial standards and regulations. In our conclusion, we’ll summarize the importance of cash reconciliation and its impact on the overall financial health of a business.

Conclusion: Easing the Agony of Cash Reconciliation

In summing up, cash reconciliation, while often complex and challenging, is an indispensable part of financial management. It ensures accuracy in financial records, aids in compliance and audit processes, and upholds the overall financial integrity of a business. The pain points associated with cash reconciliation – from manual errors to high transaction volumes, diverse payment methods, timing discrepancies, and regulatory demands – highlight the need for meticulous financial practices.

The Path to Smoother Reconciliation

By recognizing and addressing these common challenges, businesses can streamline their reconciliation processes.
Adopting efficient methods and tools can transform what is often seen as an agonizing task into a manageable and routine part of financial operations.

Looking Forward

As we move further into the digital era, the importance of effective cash reconciliation continues to grow. Businesses that adapt and refine their reconciliation practices will not only ease their financial management burden but also position themselves for greater financial accuracy and success. This is why companies rely on Numeral to turn what used to be agonizing into a breeze.

Real-Time Financial Reporting vs. Monthly Close: The New Frontier in Financial Efficiency


Nov 28, 2023 by Cal Zielinko

Introduction: Shifting Paradigms in Financial Closing

In the fast-paced world of modern business, the financial closing process is critical. Traditional methods, notably the monthly close, have long been the standard. However, they are increasingly viewed as outdated due to their time-consuming nature and the delayed financial insights they provide. In contrast, the concept of real-time financial reporting emerges as a revolutionary approach, offering immediate access to financial data and significantly enhancing decision-making processes.

The Outdated Monthly Close

The monthly close process, deeply rooted in traditional accounting practices, involves a series of labor-intensive tasks: recording journal entries, reconciling bank statements, and producing trial balances. This approach culminates in financial results that are often outdated by the time they are compiled. The primary issue with this approach is the delayed financial insights it offers. By the time the accounting team completes this process, the data is no longer timely, reducing its value for strategic decision-making. Moreover, the focus on closing the books for the previous month leaves little room for forward-looking activities such as forecasting and data analytics, crucial for guiding business strategy.

Emergence of Real-Time Financial Reporting

Real-time financial reporting, a concept gaining significant traction, offers a dynamic and efficient approach. This method involves keeping accounts updated on a continual basis, thereby providing financial information in real-time. Driven by advancements in technology and a growing need for timely financial data, real-time financial reporting represents a shift from reactive to proactive financial management. It leverages modern integrated systems to ensure financial data is accessible and current, without the necessity of posting daily to the general ledger.

The Benefits of Real-Time Financial Reporting

Enhanced Real-Time Decision-Making: Real-time financial reporting provides immediate financial insights, drastically improving decision-making capabilities. This approach aligns financial data closely with daily business operations, enhancing both the relevance and accuracy of financial reports.
Increased Efficiency and Time Savings: By providing real-time financial data, this approach allows accounting teams to focus on more strategic tasks, thereby enhancing overall productivity. It reduces the time spent on manual tasks like data entry and reconciliation.
Improved Compliance and Accuracy: Real-time financial reporting leads to fewer errors in financial reporting and enhances compliance. By providing more accurate and transparent record-keeping, it simplifies the auditing process and enhances compliance with regulatory requirements.
Boost in Employee Satisfaction: Shifting to real-time financial reporting alleviates the intense pressure and workload associated with the month-end rush. By providing immediate access to financial data, it leads to higher job satisfaction and engagement among accounting teams.

The Crucial Role of Accounting Automation Software

In the era of real-time financial reporting, automation software plays a critical role. These solutions streamline various aspects of financial reporting, including automation software is integral to the implementation of real-time financial reporting. These tools are designed to automate transaction recording, reconciliation, and various other aspects of financial reporting, thereby enhancing efficiency and accuracy.

Automating Routine Tasks: Software solutions, such as Numeral, automate the collection of real-time data from multiple sources, providing a continually updated financial picture. This capability is crucial, as it eliminates the need for manual data entry and reconciliation, which are traditionally time-consuming and error-prone aspects of the closing process.
Real-Time Data Synchronization: As transactions occur, automation software ensures that they are instantly reflected in the financial records. This immediate updating of data provides a constantly accurate financial picture, aiding in more effective decision-making.
Enhancing Compliance and Reducing Errors: Automated systems result in fewer errors and more visibility over financial activities. Accounts are easier to audit, as the clarity of real-time data simplifies understanding financial transactions over cumbersome manual processes used in traditional month-end closures.
Supporting Remote Workforces: In an era where remote working is increasingly common, these tools facilitate the management of distributed teams by providing centralized access to financial data and documents, streamlining communication and collaboration.
Cost Reduction: Real-time financial reporting, supported by automation software, can lead to significant cost savings. By reducing the reliance on manual processes, businesses save on labor costs associated with the traditional month-end close. Additionally, the reduced need for extensive auditing due to more accurate and up-to-date records can also lower external audit fees.

Conclusion: Embracing the Future of Financial Reporting

The shift from traditional monthly close to real-time financial reporting, supported by automation software, represents a significant advancement in financial reporting. It enhances the efficiency and accuracy of financial processes and plays a pivotal role in strategic decision-making. As businesses navigate a rapidly changing economic landscape, adopting real-time financial reporting will be key to staying agile and competitive.
In this era of digital transformation, real-time financial reporting is not just an option but a necessity for businesses looking to leverage financial data as a strategic asset. By embracing this approach and the technological solutions that support it, organizations can unlock greater potential, drive innovation, and achieve sustained growth.

Want to see how Numeral can help you achieve real-time financial reporting? Schedule a commitment-free demo here today!

Comprehensive Guide to Transaction-Level Cash Reconciliation


Nov 21, 2023 by Cal Zielinko


Cash reconciliation, a fundamental aspect of accounting for any business, becomes particularly intricate in the world of digital products and services. This comprehensive guide aims to break down the concept of transaction-level cash reconciliation, delve into its specific challenges, particularly in high-volume businesses, and explore solutions to these complexities.

Understanding Cash Reconciliation

What Is Cash Reconciliation?

Cash reconciliation is an accounting process where businesses verify that their internal financial records (sales records, ledger entries) match external records (bank statements, payment processor reports). This process is crucial for ensuring the accuracy of financial data, particularly in businesses that have high transaction volumes.

What Is Transaction-Level Cash Reconciliation?

Transaction-level cash reconciliation is taking this process further to the most granular level, where reconciliation occurs at the individual transaction level, not at the summary batch level.

Systems Involved in Transaction-Level Cash Reconciliation

Transaction-level cash reconciliation is a complex process that involves various financial systems within a company. These systems can vary depending on the company’s size, business model, or technological maturity. The four most common systems involved in cash reconciliation are:

1. Billing System: This system creates and manages customer invoices, reflecting the expected cash to be collected from sales.
2. Payment Processor: Payment processors relay customer payment information to the company’s bank and handle verification and fund transfers.
3. Company’s Bank: The bank collects and deposits cash from successfully processed transactions, serving as the final system in the reconciliation process.
4. Revenue Recognition System: This system calculates revenue for the current period and liabilities for future deferred revenues, using data from billing systems and payment processors.

Stages of Transaction Processing

1. Transaction Occurrence: The process begins when a customer makes a purchase of a product or service.
2. Record Keeping: This transaction is then recorded in the company’s billing system and recognized as revenue.
3. Payment Processing: Concurrently, payment processors handle the customer’s payment, transferring funds from the customer’s bank to the payment processor’s “wallet”.
4. Banking Transactions: The funds are transferred from the payment processor’s “wallet” and received/recorded by the company’s bank.
5. Reconciliation Activity: The company then reconciles these records – ensuring the amounts in their internal records match what’s in the bank and with what the payment processors have transferred.

The Complexity of Transaction-Level Cash Reconciliation

In businesses with high transaction volume and multiple systems housing accounting-impacting data, transaction-level cash reconciliation can be a multifaceted process that involves several intricate challenges. To truly understand its complexity, we’ll explore the six primary challenges in detail:

1. Taxes

Challenge: Tax regulations, rates, and compliance obligations across different regions introduce complexities into the cash reconciliation process. Accounting for taxes accurately is paramount.

Tax complexities can vary widely between countries and regions, and they significantly impact cash reconciliation. Different tax rates, rules, and compliance requirements can affect the timing and amount of cash flows related to taxes.

2. Transaction Fees

Challenge: Transaction fees imposed by payment processors can erode cash balances, and properly accounting for these fees accurately is essential.

Payment processors often charge fees for processing payments. These fees can vary based on factors such as transaction volume, payment method, and the specific financial institution involved. Accounting for these fees accurately is crucial to reconcile cash balances correctly.

3. Foreign Exchange Rates

Transactions conducted in diverse currencies can lead to discrepancies in cash balances. Currency fluctuations add an additional layer of complexity.

Currency differences are a significant hurdle in cash reconciliation, especially for businesses that have multiple entities and whose customers pay in different currencies. When transactions occur in various currencies, the exchange rates at different periods of the reconciliation process must be considered. This introduces the potential for differences between the expected and actual cash amounts.

4. Deposits in Transit

Challenge: Deposits in transit (DIT), sometimes referred to as undeposited funds, refer to funds that have been recorded in one system (e.g. payment processor’s “wallet”) but have not yet cleared to the bank. Identifying and reconciling these funds is crucial for accuracy.

There is often a couple of days delay when moving money between systems (e.g. transferring money from the payment processor’s “wallet” to a bank account). This can result in significant balance discrepancies between what’s expected and what’s actually in the bank account.

5. Chargebacks

Challenge: Chargebacks occur when customers dispute a transaction with their bank or credit card company, resulting in the reversal of funds. Handling chargebacks correctly is essential for reconciliation.

Chargebacks can be a common occurrence in businesses that accept credit card payments. When a customer disputes a transaction, the funds are typically reversed, impacting the company’s cash balance. This occurs days, weeks or months after the original transaction, making accounting for chargebacks extremely cumbersome.

6. Timing Differences Between Systems

Challenge: Multiple systems operate off different time zones. The cut-off period for a day’s worth of data may be in UTC for system A and may be in PST for system B. Very rarely are all systems within a financial tech stack aligned to a uniform time zone.

These timing differences can wreak havoc on any reconciliation process as the definition of a day’s worth of data data can differ from system to system.

The Transaction-Level Cash Reconciliation Process

Step-by-Step Breakdown

1. Data Collection: Gathering transaction data from billing systems, payment processors, and bank statements.
2. Matching and Verification: Matching transactions across these systems and verifying their accuracy.
3. Discrepancy Identification: Spotting and investigating any mismatched records.
4. Resolution of Discrepancies: Adjusting records to rectify any identified discrepancies, such as FX rate impact, timing differences, or unrecorded chargebacks.
5. Final Reconciliation: Ensuring comprehensive accuracy across all systems.

The Value of Transaction-Level Cash Reconciliation for Businesses

Granular cash reconciliation offers several benefits for businesses, including:

– Verification of proper operations and collection of all sales.
– Prevention of revenue leakage.
– Provision of trustworthy cash balances and revenue calculations for investors and stakeholders.
– Testing and assurance of data integrity across financial systems.

Problems Without Transaction-Level Cash Reconciliation

Without proper cash reconciliation, businesses may encounter several problems, including:

– Inconsistent cash reporting across financial systems.
– Erroneous decision-making based on inaccurate data.
– Over/underpayment of tax obligations.
– Inconsistent metrics and KPIs on financial statements.

Numeral’s Role in Streamlining Cash Reconciliation

Simplifying the Complex with Technology

In the landscape of high-volume businesses, traditional manual reconciliation methods can be overwhelmed by the volume and complexity of transactions making transaction-level reconciliation impossible. This is where tools like Numeral can come in to help businesses automate their reconciliation process with ease.


In the dynamic and fast-paced sector of digital goods, mastering the art of transaction-level cash reconciliation is vital for maintaining financial accuracy and health. The challenges, while significant, can be effectively managed with a robust understanding of the process, diligent practice, and the support of advanced reconciliation tools. This guide serves as a foundation for businesses to build upon, aiming for excellence in their cash reconciliation endeavors.

Want to see what Numeral can do for your business? Schedule a demo here today!